Jbe instruction in 8086
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Looking more closely I found that many of the instructions were synonyms for each other, JBE JNA, Jump if below or equal. Jump if not above, unsignedJBE Jump If Below or Equal Flags: not altered JBE short-label Jump Condition: Jump if CF = 1 or ZF = 1 Used after a CMP or SUB instruction, JBE transfers JBE - 8086. Short Jump if first operand is Below or Equal to second operand (as set by CMP instruction). Unsigned. Algorithm: if CF = 1 or ZF = 1 then jump flow control - 8086 assembler. The basic instruction that transfers control to another point in the program JBE , JNA, Jump if Below or Equal (<=). 8086 conditional jump opcoding. JBE, Bellow or equal, CF or ZF That's why a JE instruction is equivalent to a JZ. There are also single jumps:. JBE, Jump if Below or Equal, CF=1 or ZF=1. JC, Jump if Carry, CF=1. JCXZ, Jump if CX Zero, CX=0. JE, Jump if Equal, ZF=1. JG, Jump if Greater (signed) Description: Jumps to the destination label mentioned in the instruction if the result of previous instruction (generally compare) causes either the CF or ZF to
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