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The most common cause of fatal accidents involving lifeboat launching systems is States have waived the requirements and operating procedures may notThis instruction manual cannot, of course, be complete, nor can it unequivocally cover all procedures or situations of danger that could arise during the 1 · 1. Drive under the Davit; be sure that fender skates are fitted to ship's side. · 2. Catch the painter, connect to its fitting and tighten it so that boat is The Certification procedure defined in the following may be applied by GL as a notified body according to the Marine Equipment Directive 96/98/EC (MED), as. Launching Lifeboats and Rescue Boats from Ships manual required by the Merchant Shipping (Life-Saving Appliances for Ships Other than Ships of Classes It includes relevant precautions instructions or warnings. Procedure explained in detail for ships crew to lower the free fall lifeboat and rescue boat safely
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